The NSX is the Honda brand’s second generation two seat, mid-engine sports car.
Wheels24 reports that the Honda NSX hybrid will not be setting its tires on Mzansi land. This is due to South Africa’s weak Rand estimating the NSX at a sky-high price – nearly R6-million. However, CarZar still feels the tangible excitement about the Honda NSX.
The hybrid sports car boasts a 3.5-litre twin-turbo V6 engine powering 565 bhp, with a top speed of 191 mph combined with a ‘super-handling’ all-wheel drive. In motion, the supercar is photo-perfect as its stylish and elegant appeal becomes magnified; especially when it’s wide stretch of lighting, at night, covers the Honda car’s width.
The stig takes the Honda NSX for a spin around Top Gear’s test track. Watch Top Gear’s YouTube video below, to discover everything you need to know about the Honda NSX. – South Africa’s FASTEST WAY to SELL YOUR CAR ONLINE. Simply get a FREE Instant Online Quote NOW and Book an Obligation-FREE Car Inspection! Instant Payment! No Haggle, No Hassle!
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