When it comes to driving, people are aware of road safety signs and rules of the road – including car sign stickers. But for some reason, it seems like the “BOB” sticker, attached on the rear window of cars, sounds a bit foreign to other drivers.

Road users do not roam around the streets just to brag about their new bundle of joy – as some BOB stickers generally come with smiley faces printed on them. On the more ‘safe’ side, ‘baby on board’ stickers are plastered onto car windows to inform other drivers that an infant is travelling in the vehicle. Presumably, drivers will then practice additional caution around a motoring mom or dad.

The Sign Alerts Emergency Personnel

In the case of an accident, a baby on board sign will inform emergency medical services, fire or police services about the presence of a baby in the vehicle. The emergency service will be required to search the car and the surrounding area for the infant. Once the child hits the legal age where a car seat is no longer required, you’ll have to remove the BOB sticker from your vehicle. Whether you’re not the minor’s parent and simply the driver of the vehicle, or whether you’re the minor’s parent, get a BOB sticker and be a responsible road user.

CarZar has put together a few tips to help you comply with your BOB sign:  

  1. Keep the sign clear and simple – there are other stickers to put on your vehicle, such as an insurance sticker, dangerous goods sticker, etc. But, always ensure that your “baby on board” message is clear and not cluttered by other stickers – mainly to avoid confusion.
  2. Size and placement – The BOB sign must not be too big – neither too small. Ensure that it does not affect your own driving and vision. Bear in mind, large stickers may distract other drivers from focus on the road and their surroundings.
  3. Remember to remove it when no longer needed – once your child is old enough or you’re no longer using the vehicle to transport them.
  4. Do what you would like to be done to you –  always keep calm on the road. Next time you get cut off by a car that has a “baby on board” sign, let it pass. Take a deep breath and just let them go.  

On the contrary, if you have a baby on board – please drive safely and responsibly. It begins with you – arrive alive.

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