One cannot expect to drive a vehicle once the driver’s license has hit its expiry date.
Once your license has reached its age, it has to be renewed if you want to continue being a legal driver and continue driving legally. However, when applying for a new driver’s license permit, it is your human right to be able to acquire a temporary or special motor vehicle permit. A temporary or special motor vehicle permit would allow you to continue driving your vehicle legally on the road, while you wait for your new license permit. But being able claim these permits, depends on the circumstance under which it is applied for.
A temporary motor vehicle permit is generally valid for 21-days and only one permit may be issued to the vehicle owner. Temporary permits will only be issued if the motor vehicle is registered, licensed and roadworthy.
The circumstances under which a temporary permit be be issued includes:
- For license and registering intentions
- Delivering the vehicle to the owner, within the Republic of South Africa
- Delivering the vehicle by or to an automotive dealership, within the Republic of South Africa
A special motor vehicle permit is generally valid for 3-days and vehicle owners may receive unlimited permits. Vehicle drivers, under these permits are also not allowed to carry goods or passengers.
The circumstances under which a special permit can be issued includes:
- Traveling to or returning from a location in the Republic of South Africa – where repairs to the vehicle must be or have been provided
- Testing the vehicle
- Repossessing the vehicle, as stipulated in Regulation 69
- Traveling to a vehicle examiner or mass measuring apparatus
In order to apply for a temporary or special motor vehicle permit, simply visit the relevant registering authority, along with a ID copy and the required fee, and complete an Application for a Temporary/Special Permit (TSP1) form. All applications are usually processed on the same day of applying.
Knowing when to acquire a temporary or special motor vehicle permit, is a Human Right. If your current license permit has expired, visit your nearest Traffic Department and apply for a new one.
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The above information, as retrieved from, is simply a guide and does not change any laws, rules and regulations, as stipulated in the South African National Road Traffic Act or National Road Traffic Regulations.