South Africa’s Department of Transportation are taking major lengths to eliminate treacherous driving.
If you need to drive on a daily basis to get where you need to be, why speed and risk your driver’s license getting suspended or revoked?
South Africa has created a new traffic law based on a ‘demerit system’. The new demerit system will be implemented on the 1st of September and Pretoria will be the first destination of the new traffic law. The demerit system allow to either revoke or suspend the license of dangerous drivers.
The demerit strategy are as follows:
Each motor vehicle driver will receive 12-points, at the beginning of each year. If 12 demerits are committed, you will lose the 12-points and your license will be suspended. Each driver will receive a maximum of 3-suspensions, after which their license will be revoked and a massive fine will be gifted. Contrary, if drivers are fine-free by the end of the year, they will receive an additional 12-point, as well as a bonus point – that is 25-points for good road behavior!
If you are aware of your basic road traffic rules, follow them. But, just to take special precautions, here are #8 traffic violations that may not have heard of:
#1 Not wearing a seat belt
#2 Vehicle tail-lights not working
#3 You are obliged to yield for herders and their cattle
#4 Running over a jaywalker
#5 Overloading your vehicle
#6 Driving 60% over the limit can give you a court summoning
#7 Traffic infringement
#8 Driving with an unclear license plate
If you were not aware of these traffic violations, now you know why the metaphor, ‘think outside the box’, is important.
Not following ALL traffic regulations is a violation against South African law and will only end you up in a position to face the music in court.
CarZar stresses that new traffic laws are in motion and will continue to develop when necessary. Let’s not give traffic officials a reason to enhance and stricken their traffic laws and regulations further.
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The above information, as retrieved from Autoworld, is simply a guide and does not change any laws, rules and regulations, as stipulated in the South African National Road Traffic Act or National Road Traffic Regulations.